Vinpenem Injection

Vinpenem Injection

Meropenem 1gm With 10ml W.F.I.

Vinpenem Injection

Vinpenem Injection

Meropenem 1gm

Meropenem is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. This medication is known as a carbapenem-type antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria.

Vinpenem Injection (meropenem) is an antibiotic used to treat certain types of bacterial infections. It is administered intravenously. Merrem is used in the treatmentof infections of the abdomen, such as appendicitis and peritonitis, bacterial meningitis (infection of the lining of the brain), and skin infections.

How long does it take for meropenem to work?

Meronem is usually given by infusion over 15 to 30 minutes. Alternatively it can be given by injection over approximately five minutes. A dose of meropenem is usually given three times a day (every eight hours). The length of the treatment depends on the severity of the infection and how quickly it responds.

Why is meropenem given?

Meropenem injection is used to treat skin and abdominal (stomach area) infections caused by bacteria and meningitis (infection of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord) in adults and children 3 months of age and older. Meropeneminjection is in a class of medications called antibiotics.

Indications of Meropenem 1gm

Pneumonias, nosocomial pneumonias, intra-abdominal infections, gynecological infections, skin and skin structure infections, meningitis, septicaemia and adult febrile neutropenia.

Dosage of Meropenem 1gm

Administratered as a intravenous bolus injection over approximately 5 minutes or by intravenous infusion over approximately 15-30 minutes with compitable infusion (50-200ml) fluid. Adult : Pneumonias, UTI, gynaecological infections, skin and skin structure infections : 500mg 8hourly. Nosocomial Pneumonias, peritonitis, adult febrile neutropenia, septicamia: 1g every 8-hours. Meningitis : 2g every 8 hours. Children : Over 3 months and upto 12 years of age: 10-20mg/kg every 8 hours.

Contra-Indications of Meropenem 1gm

Hypersensitivity to ingredients. Hypersensitivity to penicillins or other beta-lactam antibiotics. Pseudomembranous colitis.Dosage should be reduced accordingly in patients with creatinine clearance less than 51ml/min. No dosage guideline is available in hemodialysis and peritoneal dialiasis. Monitor transaminase and bilirubin levels in patients with hepatic disease. Should not be mixed with or added to other drugs.

Special Precautions of Meropenem 1gm

Paediatrics: Safety is not established in patient with neutropenia or primary/secondary immunodeficiency. Safety is not established in infants under 3 months of age. Pregnancy: Safety is not established. Lactation: Safety is not established. Elderly: Safe for elderly with normal renal functions.

Side Effects of Meropenem 1gm

Serious adverse effects are rare. Local IV injection site reaction, systemic allergic reaction, rash, pruritus, urticaria, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, pseudomembranous colitis. Reversible thrombocythaemia, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia, leucopenia and neutropenia. Headache, paresthesia, convulsions, oral and vaginal candidiasis.

Drug Interactions of Meropenem 1gm

Nephrotoxic drugs, probenocid, Sodium valproate.

For Use of Registered Medical Practitioner or a Hospital Only.